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Specializing in open, closed, horizontal & standing column Geothermal systems

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What is GeoExchange? - Page 3

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GeoExchange works differently than conventional heat pumps that use the outdoor air as their heat source or heat sink. GeoExchange systems don’t have to work as hard (which means they use less energy) because they draw heat from a source whose temperature is moderate. The temperature of the ground or groundwater a few feet beneath the Earth’s surface remains relatively constant throughout the year, even though the outdoor air temperature may fluctuate greatly with the change of seasons. At a depth of approximately six feet, for example, the temperature of soil in most of the world’s regions remains stable between 45 F and 70 F. This is why well water drawn from below ground tastes so cool even on the hottest summer days.

In winter, it’s much easier to capture heat from the soil at a moderate 50o F. than from the atmosphere when the air temperature is below zero. This is also why GeoExchange systems encounter no difficulty blowing comfortably warm air through a home’s ventilation system, even when the outdoor air temperature is extremely cold.2 Conversely, in summer, the relatively cool ground absorbs a home’s waste heat more readily than the warm outdoor air.

Studies show that approximately 70 percent of the energy used in a GeoExchange heating and cooling system is renewable energy from the ground. The remainder is clean, electrical energy which is employed to concentrate heat and transport it from one location to another. In winter, the ground soaks up solar energy and provides a barrier to cold air. In summer, the ground heats up more slowly than the outside air.

Our Projects

Harvard University, Boston

Blackstone Steam Project /Multiple-1500 Standing Column wells.

Berkshire Hills School

Great Barrington MA: Open Loop, high pressure air boosting, water containment.

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Renewable Energy

Resource that is naturally replinished, such as; wind, solar, geothermal and hydro.


Heat that comes from the Earth.

Fossil Fuels

Hydrocarbons that come from the earths upper crust.

Renewable Energy

Resource that is naturally replinished, such as; wind, solar, geothermal and hydro.


Heat that comes from the Earth.


Thermal Unit, calorie, joule, ectron volt, erg, foot lb, kilocalorie, kilo watt hour, watt hour.


1 refrigeration ton = 12,000 Btu/hr.   The amount of heat removed by an air conditioning system tht would melt 1 ton of ice in a 24 hour period.

Heat Transfer

Passage of Thermal energy from hot to cold.
